Contrasts of Cannes Pt.2

Following on from the previous post, a more in depth look at Cannes during the festival.

Shot in a single afternoon (except for 2 images) , on my X100VI in Acros (for the techies) as I walked around the town which is full of contrasts every where you look.

The focus for the 10 days might be the rich and famous (and less rich) filmmakers but life continues for the locals just like any week, just with way more people and traffic.

Contrasts of Cannes – Life goes on
Contrasts of Cannes – Around the town, traditional pastimes continue such as boules and chess.
Contrasts of Cannes – These steps near the station are used by many to create glamour photos. Locals, many less fortune, look on .
Contrasts of Cannes – These steps near the station are used by many to create glamour photos. Locals, many less fortune, look on .
Contrasts of Cannes – An expensive Lamborghini passes through the pedestrian area.
Contrasts of Cannes – People pose for photos by Festival Logos, cos-play is seen far less than evening wear.
Contrasts of Cannes – People pose for photos by Festival Logos.
Contrasts of Cannes – The event attracts press from all around the world – Photographers heading to the carpet.
Contrasts of Cannes – Near the carpet, groups of people dressed in the required “Black Tie” wait in the hope of getting a last minute ticket.
Contrasts of Cannes – Near the carpet, groups of people dressed in the required “Black Tie” wait in the hope of getting a last minute ticket.
Contrasts of Cannes – Each day, many gather outside the entrance & exit to the Palais des Festivals holding signs, hoping for a spare ticket to that evenings events, dressed ready in the required formal dress..
Contrasts of Cannes – Each day, many gather outside the entrance & exit to the Palais des Festivals holding signs, hoping for a spare ticket to that evenings events, dressed ready in the required formal dress..
Contrasts of Cannes – A couple walking on the pavement, he carrying the train of her long dress as others have to negotiate the train..
Contrasts of Cannes – A couple passing the busy cafe Roma, he carrying the train of her long dress as another couple look on.
Contrasts of Cannes – After a long day and a late Red Carpet, photographers head back to their apartment, probably to edit the evenings images .
Contrasts of Cannes – Mr Pizza, a last resort late night dinner destination for some.

I hope these give a flavour of the town away from the festival, I would love to hear what you think.

Oh and the camera (well this is a photography blog after all), it’s good, maybe even great. All of these images are Acros based (normal) jpgs with tweets in Lightroom. Very little post work was needed.

I would lobe to hear your thoughts…


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